All posts tagged: Art

Krysada Binly Panusith Phounsiri: Back to Birthplace in Bokeo

  Krysada Binly Panusith Phounsiri, better known as Binly, is a community builder, systems engineer, poet, b-boy dancer, and photographer based in San Diego, California. On his second visit to Laos last month, Binly captured intimate photos of daily life in his parents’ hometown and his birthplace of Huay Xai, the capital of Bokeo province in northwestern Laos. What was your first reaction visiting your birthplace?  “The first time I went back to my place of birth was 10 years ago. It was surreal to say the least. My mom was in tears. We hadn’t been there for 16 years. I sat where I was born for a little bit and let the ambiance seep in. I felt like I finally connected with the energy I was born into. 10 years later, I couldn’t go inside the house. We don’t own it anymore. This time around, it was a brief visit. I stood outside feeling good. I was almost convinced that I needed to buy this house and the land back. But the thing with my mom …

A Dream of Rainbows: An Interview with Noi Sengsourigna

Noi Sengsourigna is a Lao musician, artist and educator. She grew up in a family dedicated to the preservation and the teaching of Lao culture and is actively continuing the tradition while pursuing many other pursuits in Vientiane.  An architecture graduate from RMIT, Australia, her passion is Lao culture, music and dance and sharing them with children. In pursuit of that passion she became a songwriter, producer and performer in live concerts, on television and in recordings. She has been a news reader on Lao National Television, and volunteers with many community projects to help the Lao people. Many of our readers had a chance to meet her in the United States during her nationwide tour in 2009. She recently celebrated her birthday, and Little Laos on the Prairie caught up with her recently to discuss her latest projects.   Can you tell us a little about yourself? And where are you headed these days? I’m a singer and song writer. I was born in Vientiane, Laos. Currently I am taking a Diploma Course in Sathya Sai …