All posts tagged: Lao Coffee

A conscientious cup: Jhai Coffeehouse serves up social business in Laos

When did you have a cup of Lao coffee directly from the coffee farmers? Jhai Coffeehouse, a philanthropic coffee roaster and café, located in the southern community of Paksong, Laos; is trying to change the way you as a consumer drink your morning cup, while every single kip is given back to the community of coffee farmers by addressing the public health needs of Lao families. Janelle Kaczmarzewski of Jhai Coffeehouse, spoke with LLOTP on keeping a sustainable social business in Laos and what Jhai Coffeehouse has stirring in their cup of coffee this year.   Aside from what’s on the website, tell us a little bit about yourself. Why is this project important to you and to the people in Laos? Personally, this project is important to me for many reasons. Because I am an American AND I am aware of the ruthless, secretive bombing that went on in Laos.  My heart goes out to the families that were and continue to be affected by what the United States did during the Vietnam war. …

The Thirsty Thursday Recipe: Lao-Lao Coffee

Today, we’re going to examine a possible cocktail you can try, Lao-Lao Coffee, which isn’t really anything more than an Irish Coffee done Southeast Asian Style. However, at the moment it’s extremely uncommon to get a really good cup with top-of-the-line ingredients in it. You could just make a plain Lao Coffee and just pour Lao coffee into a regular Irish Coffee. A plain Lao Coffee is going to be pretty easy outside of Laos if you can get a bag of Lao coffee. But that’s being lazy. Let’s kick it up a notch and look at what would happen if we used Lao-Lao. The Khmu drink a variation called Lao-Hai: Usually drunk neat, without any flourishes, this traditional Lao rice whisky is increasingly being used in a cocktail named the Pygmy Slow Lorange (a play on the local animal, the Pygmy Slow Loris) which nearly went extinct during the war from all of the bombing, shelling, agent orange, and other hazards of war. No Pygmy Slow Lorii are harmed in the preparation of a Pygmy Slow Lorange. Whew. On the other hand, some pots of Lao-Lao are infused with honey or …