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Haiku of the Week: Lao Pride

It was recently reported that Laos celebrated its first Pride celebration this year. This represents an intriguing and positive development for Lao around the world, especially the GLBT and their friends and families. Organized at the US Embassy’s sports field in Vientiane the event explored discrimination, gender roles and sexual health, and the US Ambassador to Laos spoke at the occasion. Over 100 people participated. This leads to our haiku of the week, and cheers to everyone involved.

Many lives and many loves
Transform happily, di jai.
Nak enjoy rainbows. 

-Bryan Thao Worra

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Focused on a mission to develop a body of multicultural, multimedia resources that meets the needs of Lao Americans and their friends and families interested in the speculative arts, whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, horror or other artistic genres engaging the Lao imagination and heritage.

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